Weight Loss

Transforming an old story to a new one

potato chipsI wanted to share this note I received, with permission from the writer. (Thank you Dear Writer.) It reflects exactly how I hoped my Transformational Weight Loss workshop would work.

“Had a fight with my boyfriend last night and went straight for the chips(11:00 p.m.) as soon as he left.

I only had a handful. I knew what I was doing as I was doing it.

This morning I went back to my workbook from your weight loss workshop and looked up my core weight story again. An old story. Feeling alone in the relationship.

I don’t want to live that old story anymore. Feeling unwanted. Sad. Hurt. And helpless to change it. (I remembered what you said – it was the young girl was helpless and despairing: I am not.)

I will not beat myself up for chips at 11:00 pm. Instead, I understand why, and forgive myself. Did the chips help? I don’t know. They were part of the old story too.

When my boyfriend and I talk today I can speak from a place of understanding my trigger. I can tell him why I got so upset by his words and actions and I know he will hear it.

I see what you mean, Janis, when you said that we can transform our old stories. That they are living and fluid, being written and rewritten in each moment and that we always have the opportunity to change it, even after the fact! And that life is so forgiving – if we are.

Thanks once again for your workshop that is still filling and feeding me.”

General, Weight Loss



Weight Loss and Self-Image

self-image photoOne of the strongest transformational tools to help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss is through changing self-image.

Your current image of yourself creates your life experience.How you see yourself stands behind your every thought, feeling, action and reaction.

Your subconscious holds your self-image and it will dutifully hold onto that image, negative and positive until it get new data.

In my workshop, Weight Loss – A Path of Transformation, we learn how to work with self-image and transform it.

Weight Loss



Weight Loss – Growing Bigger on the Inside

by Korri SavageWeight loss is a transformational process. You are literally transforming your body from one form to another. What takes place physically also takes place mentally and emotionally.

If you are a person who struggles with your weight, the process of losing weight and maintaining the weight loss can be your greatest challenge and the path of your greatest growth.

You know that trying to lose weight eventually leads you to face many issues. It is hard to change eating patterns and create an active lifestyle with regular exercise. It is hard to maintalin that weight loss unless you face those issues that caused your weight.

Your process of losing weight is also your path to your greatest growth.

Losing weight can be a doorway to growth. Growth is about becoming more – more of who you truly are. I call it growing big on the inside.

In order to lose weight you will encounter what stops you. You will have to grow beyond your old ways of coping, your old patterns of using food and create a different relationship to food. You will have to change your life to support the body you want to have. You will have to truly change. That is transformation.

You will transform what stops you into what makes you successful.

Weight Loss