
It only takes a moment… to manage stress, access creativity, clear your mind


Hypno-to-Go recordings bring you what you need when you need it. You can easily download and listen any time of the day or night. Use Hypno-to-Go as a practical and useful tool to help you make positive changes daily.

With Hypno-to-Go, you create a quiet moment during your day that changes your brain chemistry, calms your nervous system and quiets your mind. You stop and regroup, relax and recharge.

My 5- to 20-minute hypno recordings will:

  • Train you to easily enter and exit an altered state of mind to receive positive, relevant messages.
  • Give you the tools to manage stress.
  • Help you regain clarity, confidence and understanding.
  • Calm and quiet your mind.
  • Help you stop repeating old patterns and make healthier choices.
  • Allow you to re-enter your day feeling centred, calm and relaxed.

Instead of eating that cookie or lighting that cigarette, you choose to take a moment for yourself to relieve the anxiety, instead of giving in to it. You access a deeper, more powerful subconscious will. You easily redirect your focus to a more positive state of mind.





Order your own custom-designed
20 minutes that can change your life

If you have an issue you want to work on, I will create a unique Hypno-to-Go recording just for you. First, I will take you through a 20-minute phone or Skype discovery session to clarify exactly what you want and need. I will then create a custom-designed hypno recording that will work directly with your subconsious mind.

To learn more or to order your recording

Contact Janis


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