Let Your True Story Come Alive

Let Your True Story Come Alive! Part 6

what-storyYou tell a story to:

  •  Work something out
  •  Illustrate, teach or share information
  •  Entertain
  •  Create intimacy
  •  Manipulate or indoctrinate
  •  Enlighten
  •  Persuade, convince or convert
  •  Be known

Please visit my coaching page to learn more about my program on transforming your story.

General, Let Your True Story Come Alive



Let Your True Story Come Alive! Part 8

readingAre you living the right story:

  • Are you living your dream or do you keep pushing it too far in the future?
  • Where do you belong? Who is your community? Your tribe?
  • Are you confused about what you want to do or how to get there?
  • Do you feel guilt or self-doubt?
  • Are you afraid of success or failing?
  • Do you deserve and are you willing to receive what you want?
  • Do you want help in rewriting your story?

Please visit my coaching page to learn more about my program on transforming your story.

General, Let Your True Story Come Alive



Let Your True Story Come Alive! Part 7

bookJust the high points

  • Our lives are a story.
  • Stories are an integral part of our life from birth.
  • In your life there is a true story you are trying to tell.
  • You tell your story by living it.
  • Iwork with people who are not living their true story.
  • Your true story is the story of your Valued Self: awareness, respect, esteem, love, confidence, worth and realization. It is a story of being good enough.
  • Your true story is the story you came here to tell. The one you really want to live.

When you uncover your true story and start to live it:

  • Life won’t be so hard.
  • You’ll experience a richness and a fullness that wasn’t there before.

Please visit my coaching page to learn more about my program on transforming your story.

General, Let Your True Story Come Alive



Let Your True Story Come Alive! Part 5

Every experience leaves a trace.

storybook2Your life story is recorded in the memory banks of your subconscious mind. Every thought, word, deed, action, choice is there. Within your subconscious mind are templates that hold deep reserves of memory, association, feeling and belief that make up your narrative. Your subconscious records everything. You give it weight, order and meaning.

I have been telling stories for years.

As a hypnotherapist, when I work with you, I tell a story to your subconscious mind, based on what you tell me and what result you want. It has to be believable to the subconscious mind, otherwise it won’t accept it. Therefore, I must be a truth-teller in my work.

Please visit my coaching page to learn more about my program on transforming your story.

General, Let Your True Story Come Alive



Let Your True Story Come Alive! Part 4

I work with people who are not living their true story.

When you change your false story to a true one, you:

  • Create a hand-crafted, authentic life where nothing goes to waste.
  • Turn regrets and sorrows into learning and growing.
  • Deepen your compassion, gratitude and joy of living.

When you heal your deepest wounds, you:

  • Honor and take care of yourself in healthy, new ways.
  • Resolve your paradoxes and contradictions.
  • Own your power.
  • Temper your negative ego and learn to recognize its lies and false stories.
  • Let your character, truth and integrity be your guide.

glassesYour true story is buried, not clear. Your perspective is skewed. My job is to help you see your true story—which may end up being very different from what you thought it was. Each pass youtake at understanding and healing your story uncovers more of its true power. Of its light. Of its meaning and purpose. Nothing goes to waste. Everything that happened has value.

Please visit my coaching page to learn more about my program on transforming your story.

General, Let Your True Story Come Alive



Let Your True Story Come Alive! Part 3

fairytaleWhat is the story you want to tell?

You may find yourself in a fairy tale – a completely false life. You may not even notice it. You may be asleep to it. Like the story of Sleeping Beauty, the first step is to awaken.

Often when you first awaken, you will encounter your obstacles. You’ll feel the pain, shame or sadness that set you to sleep in the first place.

When you seek greater success and abundance in your life, strong, loving relationships, meaningful work and fulfilling right livelihood, you will hit up against your false story. The one that stops you. It will stop you from a greater expression and expansion of yourself, and of your true story.

That false story resides in your subconscious mind as a subconscious construct or blueprint with corresponding beliefs, thoughts and feelings, decisions and choices attached to it. It feels true, but none the less is not. It may be time to let go of the past; to make a new blueprint that supports your new visions and dreams, and the abundance you desire.

Please visit my coaching page to learn more about my program on transforming your story.

General, Let Your True Story Come Alive



Let Your True Story Come Alive! Part 2

storybookYou are the author of your story.

You can influence your story. You influence your story with your conscious intent to change, to heal, to make new. As you transform your story, you think and feel differently.

One of the most important ways to influence your story is to reflect upon what happened to you, what you experienced and to give it new meaning.

You begin to put your own imprint on your own story.

You decide. You can transform your story anytime, anywhere, anyway. That is your power.
Sometimes your story diminishes, limits, or holds you back from your dreams.

Sometimes your story is a drama, sometimes it’s a comedy, and sometimes it’s a tragedy. If you feel stuck in a tragedy, you can rewrite it. There are endless possibilities.

Please visit my coaching page to learn more about my program on transforming your story.

General, Let Your True Story Come Alive



Let Your True Story Come Alive! Part 1

Once upon a time…
In a galaxy far, far away…
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

The structure of the story is the structure of consciousness itself. We all tell stories all the time. We can’t not tell stories”
— Mike Daisy

storyOur lives are a story.

Our brains are wired to recognize story from day one. Stories are an integral part of our life from birth. As children we learned fairy tales, fables, family stories, songs, and poems. We communicate to ourselves and each other through story. Narrative is woven into everything.

It’s important to examine your story, to shine a light upon the old narrative and see what is really true.
You may not be able to control what happens to you, especially in childhood. As infants and children you are imprinted and influenced by others in your life, both in positive and negative ways.

But your story is continually unfolding – alive, vibrant and responsive to you.

You can rewrite the parts of your story that began long ago and just carried forward, but no longer represent your life today or reflect who are now.

Please visit my coaching page to learn more about my program on transforming your story.

General, Let Your True Story Come Alive